Bab 1 adalah kontribusi panel yang berlangsung selama Peringatan 50 tahun
Konferensi Simulasi Komputer Musim Panas (SCSC). Panel yang terkenal
diketuai oleh Umut Durak dan mencakup beberapa akademisi, peneliti, dan
praktisi Mengikuti kontribusi panel di Golden Jubilee Panel, the
Bab dimulai dengan sejarah singkat SCSC dan bagaimana itu berkembang menjadi multi
konferensi. Kemudian membahas pemodelan penyakit, perangkat lunak simulasi, simulasi
standar dan penggunaan kembali, M&S dan AI, simulasi untuk masa depan, dan simulasi dalam
usia Big Data. Bab ini berakhir dengan penekanan pada sifat di mana-mana
simulasi dan bagaimana ia ada di sini untuk tinggal!
Tujuh bab selanjutnya adalah dari SCS Fellows. Dalam Bab. 2, Bernard Zeigler
mengambil perspektif historis untuk menggambarkan interaksi antara abstraksi, formalisasi,
dan implementasi dalam memajukan teori dan praktik M&S. Bab selanjutnya
membahas potensi otomasi beberapa kegiatan M&S, menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah agen / pemodel / simulasiis buatan dapat melakukan ini
kegiatan tanpa perlu campur tangan manusia.
Bab 3 menyajikan karya simulasi dan kolaborasi berkecepatan tinggi, berbiaya rendah
yang telah membentang lebih dari lima dekade. Anggota SCS Roy Crosbie mendedikasikan bab ini
untuk mengenang mantan rekannya John Hay (Universitas Salford) dan
Richard (Dick) Bednar (Universitas Negeri California, Chico). Bab ini menyajikan a
refleksi pribadi dari perubahan yang telah terjadi di bidang komputasi
dan simulasi sistem daya elektronik.
Dalam Bab. 4, Anggota SCS Tuncer Ören merefleksikan kontribusinya pada bidang
M&S selama 50 tahun terakhir. Bab ini ditulis dengan gaya profesional
autobiografi. Ini termasuk referensi ke hampir 50 publikasi penulis pertama dan
akan berfungsi sebagai titik referensi bagi para sarjana yang tertarik mempelajari tentang pekerjaan Ören,
termasuk inisiatif Badan Simulasi Pengetahuannya.
Penulis Chap. 5 adalah Anggota SCS Andreas Tolk. Tolk mengulas pekerjaan yang ada
pada CAS, dan menarik dari filsafat sains dan konsep-konsep kemunculan,
berpendapat bahwa ada kendala epistemologis yang signifikan, yang membatasi kegunaannya
simulasi komputer untuk penelitian dalam sistem adaptif yang kompleks.
Kontribusi SCS Fellow Lin Zhang (Bab 6) ditulis bersama dengan rekan-rekan Fei
Wang dan Feng Li (bukan murid SCS) dari School of Automation Science dan
Teknik Listrik, Universitas Beihang, Cina. Makalah ini berbasis Cloud
simulasi dan M&S sebagai Layanan (MSaaS). Ini menyajikan arsitektur awan
platform simulasi dan teknologi utama seperti virtualisasi, penemuan sumber daya,
komposisi, dan penjadwalan untuk simulasi berbasis cloud.
Bab 7 buku ini mencakup kontribusi Anggota SCS, Gabriel A.
Lebih bijaksana. Bab ini ditulis dengan gaya tutorial, dan menyajikan pemodelan yang berbeda
metode (mis., Petri Nets, Finite State Machines, Bond Bonds, Modelica) dan mereka
terjemahan ke dalam spesifikasi sistem acara diskrit menggunakan formalisme DEVS.
Bab 8 menyajikan studi profil publikasi publikasi oleh Navonil
Mustafee dan Korina Katsaliaki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan keseluruhan
gambar penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam proses SCSC dari 2005 hingga 2017. The
dataset untuk analisis terdiri dari 911 makalah. Bab ini menyajikan tujuh yang berbeda
analisis, termasuk, metrik yang terkait dengan kepengarangan dan afiliasi, sumber dari
pendanaan, analisis kata kunci, dan analisis kutipan.
Bab 9 adalah dari penulis penghargaan kertas terbaik SummerSim 2015—
Saurabh Mittal. Makalah ini tentang M&S dalam rekayasa sistem yang kompleks. Ini menyajikan a
kasus Sintetis Emergensi, yang didefinisikan sebagai rekayasa kemunculan dalam buatan
lingkungan, dan menyediakan pra-, pasca-kondisi dan rekayasa
proses untuk mencapai kemunculan sintetis. Ini juga menyajikan Pengalaman Simulasi
Kerangka kerja pendekatan (SEA) untuk rekayasa Langsung, Virtual dan Konstruktif
(LVC) lingkungan simulasi.
Bab 10 membahas tentang pemodelan pejalan kaki menggunakan M&S acara diskrit spasial. Itu
penulis bab ini (Gabriel Wainer dan Ala'a Al-Habashna) menyajikan a
Pendekatan berbasis sel-DEVS untuk M&S orang banyak. Makalah ini mencakup ulasan
pekerjaan terkait, yang dikategorikan dalam pendekatan pemodelan yang berbeda, untuk
contohnya cairan
To provide an appreciation for the chapters that follow, we provide a brief summary
of the contents of each. They trace the evolution of this conference from its
beginnings to current day and showcase some of the important contributions the
conference has made to the field of M&S.
Chapter 1 is a panel contribution that took place during the 50th Anniversary
of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC). The distinguished panel
was chaired by Umut Durak and included several academics, researchers, and
practitioners. Following the panel contributions at the Golden Jubilee Panel, the
chapter begins with a brief history of SCSC and how it evolved to be a multi
conference. It then discusses disease modeling, simulation software, simulation
standards and reuse, M&S and AI, simulation for the future, and simulation in the
age of Big Data. The chapter ends with an emphasis on the ubiquitous nature of
simulation and how it is here to stay!
The next seven chapters are from the SCS Fellows. In Chap. 2, Bernard Zeigler
takes a historical perspective to illustrate the interplay of abstraction, formalization,
and implementation in advancing the theory and practice of M&S. The chapter then
discusses the potential for the automation of some M&S activities, raising the
viii Preface
Summer of Simulation : 50 Years of Seminal Computer Simulation Research, edited by John Sokolowski, et al., Springer
International Publishing AG, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from polije-ebooks on 2020-01-26 19:13:38.
Copyright © 2019. Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.
question as to whether artificial agents/modelers/simulationists can carry out these
activities without the need for human intervention.
Chapter 3 presents work on high-speed, low-cost simulation and collaboration
that has spanned over five decades. SCS Fellow Roy Crosbie dedicates this chapter
to the memory of his former colleagues John Hay (University of Salford) and
Richard (Dick) Bednar (California State University, Chico). The chapter presents a
personal reflection of the changes that have taken place in the field of computing
and the simulation of power electronic systems.
In Chap. 4, SCS Fellow Tuncer Ören reflects on his contribution to the field of
M&S over the past 50 years. The chapter is written in the style of a professional
autobiography. It includes references to almost 50 first-authored publications and
will serve as a reference point for scholars interested in learning about Ören’s work,
including his Simulation Body of Knowledge initiative.
The author of Chap. 5 is SCS Fellow Andreas Tolk. Tolk reviews existing work
on CAS, and draws from the philosophy of science and the concepts of emergence,
to argue that significant epistemological constraints exist, which limit the usefulness
of computer simulation for research in complex adaptive systems.
SCS Fellow Lin Zhang contribution (Chap. 6) is co-authored with colleagues Fei
Wang and Feng Li (not SCS Fellows) from the School of Automation Science and
Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, China. The paper is on Cloud-based
simulation and M&S as a Service (MSaaS). It presents the architecture of a cloud
simulation platform and key technologies like virtualization, resource discovery,
composition, and scheduling for cloud-based simulation.
Chapter 7 of the book includes the contribution of SCS Fellow Gabriel A.
Wainer. The chapter is written in a tutorial style, and presents different modeling
methods (e.g., Petri Nets, Finite State Machines, Bond Graphs, Modelica) and their
translation into discrete-event systems specifications using the DEVS formalism.
Chapter 8 presents a profiling study of research publications by Navonil
Mustafee and Korina Katsaliaki. The objective of this study was to give an overall
picture of research published in the SCSC proceedings from 2005 to 2017. The
dataset for the analysis consisted of 911 papers. The chapter presents seven different
analysis, including, metrics associated with authorship and affiliations, sources of
funding, analysis of keywords, and citation analysis.
Chapter 9 is from the author of the SummerSim 2015 best paper award—
Saurabh Mittal. The paper is on M&S in complex systems engineering. It presents a
case of Synthetic Emergence, which is defined as emergence engineering in artificial
environments, and provides the pre-, post-conditions and the engineering
process to achieve synthetic emergence. It also presents the Simulation Experience
Approach (SEA) framework to engineering Live, Virtual and Constructive
(LVC) simulation environments.
Chapter 10 is on pedestrian modeling using spatial discrete-event M&S. The
authors of this chapter (Gabriel Wainer and Ala’a Al-Habashna) present a
Cell-DEVS-based approach for M&S of crowds. The paper includes a review of
related work, which is categorized under different modeling approaches, for
example, fluid dynamics, social-forces model, agent-based models, and CA
Preface ix
Summer of Simulation : 50 Years of Seminal Computer Simulation Research, edited by John Sokolowski, et al., Springer
International Publishing AG, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from polije-ebooks on 2020-01-26 19:13:38.
Copyright © 2019. Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.
models). The proposed Cell-DEVS-based approach is verified by employing case
studies related to building and fire evacuation.
Chapter 11 is from the authors of the SummerSim 2017 best paper award—
Donald J. Berndt, David Boogers, Saurav Chakraborty, and James McCart. This
chapter is an extended contribution to their original paper with the same title, “Using
agent-based modeling to assess liquidity mismatch in open-end bond funds.” The
chapter presents an agent-based model of the US corporate bond model. The model
is used to simulate realistic market dynamics such as the effect of increasing mutual
fund market shares under certain assumptions. The model includes several
agent-types (both buyer-side and seller-side agent) and assesses results from agent
behaviors in response to external factors such as an increase in interest rates.
The final paper of this book chapter (Chap. 12) is also on agent-based simulation.
The authors Rishi Bubna, Jayasree Raveendran, Suman Kumar, Mayuri
Duggirala, and Mukul Malik, use ABS to model the likely impact of demonetization
on a cash-intensive economy. The likely motivation for this research comes
from 2016 demonetization drive that was undertaken by the Indian Government,
and the resultant model is able to depict the demonetization outcomes in India. The
study further contributes to literature through its use of grounded theories from
behavioral sciences literature.